Strategy for Cardiovascular Health: ACTS
Strategy for Cardiovascular Health: ACTS

Strategy for Cardiovascular Health: ACTS

In a nutshell: a comprehensive strategy for improving the cardiovascular system and improving overall health can make a huge difference. The strategy in an acronym (ACTS) and the comprehensive research it is based on may provide some useful insights into why and how we benefit.
In a nutshell: a comprehensive strategy for improving the cardiovascular system and improving overall health can make a huge difference. The strategy in an acronym (ACTS) and the comprehensive research it is based on may provide some useful insights into why and how we benefit.
Consult with a healthcare professional before nutritional interventions and/or exercise regimens. The basis is sound, yet individual results may vary. The intent of this article is to provide education. It is your responsibility to care for your health.


  1. Antioxidant Protection: Glutathione is the master antioxidant, so increasing levels of intracellular glutathione will positively impact overall health, improving the cardiovascular system due to reduction of lipid peroxidation
  1. Cardiovascular Optimization: Making the best of nitric oxide precursors by combining with glutathione precursors (thereby buffering nitric oxide) and simultaneously lowering inflammation means improved circulation
  1. Therapeutic Movement: The proven benefit of low impact exercise, including walking, light stretching, leg lifts, and targeted stretching ensures the lymphatic system circulates properly and positively impacts overall circulation (this will be sustainable for those with compromised physical stamina)
  1. Survivor Gene Activation: Turning on the NRF2 gene through targeted nutrition, particularly sulforophane, will increase antioxidant production throughout the body (including areas impacted by poor circulation and suboptimal intracellular communication)

Oxidative Stress: How Nitric Oxide and Glutathione Connects

The existing research sheds light on the connection between oxidative stress, glutathione (GSH), and nitric oxide (NO) in the context of cardiovascular health and varicose veins. Here are the summarized key points from various studies:
  1. Oxidative Stress in Varicose Veins: Oxidative stress, resulting from an imbalance between the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the capacity of the antioxidant system, plays a significant role in varicose veins. This imbalance is evident in the increased oxidative stress and impaired antioxidant defense mechanisms found in the blood of patients with varicose veins. Changes in oxidative stress are linked to morphological changes and aging pathways that contribute to the pathogenesis of varicose veins 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
  1. Role of Glutathione and Nitric Oxide: Glutathione, a key intracellular antioxidant composed of amino acids L-glutamate, L-cysteine, and L-glycine, is abundant in cells and plays a crucial role in detoxification and scavenging radicals. It helps buffer nitric oxide, which is synthesized from L-arginine and oxygen by nitric oxide synthase enzymes. Nitric oxide is essential for vascular health, acting as a vasodilator and influencing vascular tone. Glutathione maintains intracellular redox equilibrium and prevents the inactivation of endothelium-produced nitric oxide, thus playing a significant role in cardiovascular health 6, 7, 8, 9
  1. Nitric Oxide in Cardiovascular Health: Nitric oxide is synthesized by three isoforms of nitric oxide synthases and plays a critical role in cardiovascular homeostasis. It acts as a protective agent against the onset and progression of cardiovascular diseases. Nitric oxide signaling is crucial for normal cardiovascular regulation and health, especially in maintaining blood flow and blood pressure through endothelium-dependent vasodilation 10, 11, 12

NRF2 Pathway and Cardiovascular Health

Let's delve into how NRF2, possibly activated by compounds like sulforaphane, could be relevant in relation to cardiovascular health and conditions like varicose veins:
  1. Antioxidant Defense Activation: NRF2 controls the expression of antioxidant proteins that protect against oxidative damage. When activated, it enhances the body's ability to combat oxidative stress, which is a significant factor in many cardiovascular diseases 13, 14.
  1. NRF2 and Endothelial Function: plays a significant role in protecting and improving endothelial function, especially in the context of oxidative stress. This has implications for conditions like varicose veins where endothelial dysfunction and oxidative stress are key factors. The activation of NRF2 can potentially protect and improve endothelial function 15, 16, 17.
  1. Sulforaphane, found in cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, is known to activate the NRF2 pathway. By inducing this pathway, sulforaphane enhances the body’s natural antioxidant defenses (the amount of broccoli required is substantial so the seed extract can be beneficial). There are studies showing natural compounds that activate NRF2, impacting vascular diseases and improving cardiovascular health 18, 19.

Benefits of Nutritional Intervention

The NRF2 pathway, especially when activated by compounds like sulforaphane, can be helpful in enhancing cardiovascular health.
Its role in upregulating the body's antioxidant defenses, combined with strategies to boost glutathione and nitric oxide, could offer a more holistic approach to managing oxidative stress and improving vascular health.

Movement and Exercise for Cardiovascular Health

  1. Improving Circulation: Regular movement helps improve blood circulation, which is crucial for cardiovascular health and can alleviate symptoms associated with Chronic Venous Insufficiency 20.
  1. Therapeutic Exercise Improves Cardiovascular Function: The impact and benefits of exercise can help to reduce the negative impact of conditions like type II diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, coronary artery disease, and heart failure, in addition to reducing CVD-related and all-cause mortality 21.
  1. Enhancing Muscle Tone: Stronger muscles, particularly in the lower body, can help support the veins and improve blood flow. This can be achieved through low-impact exercises. The added benefit of protein with the highest bioavailability can increase muscle tone in all age groups

Types of Beneficial Movement

  1. Walking: Regular walking is an excellent way to improve circulation and strengthen the muscles in the legs without putting too much strain on the veins.
  1. Leg Elevation Exercises: Simple leg lifts, ankle circles, or bicycle legs can help improve circulation in the lower extremities.
  1. Stretching: Gentle stretching can improve flexibility and circulation. Yoga or Pilates, for instance, can be beneficial for overall circulation and muscle tone.
  1. Swimming or Water Aerobics: These are low-impact activities that are particularly gentle on the joints and veins while providing a good cardiovascular workout.


  • Avoid High-Impact Activities: High-impact exercises like running or jumping might exacerbate varicose veins, so they should generally be avoided.
  • Consistency Over Intensity: Focus on regular, gentle exercises rather than intense workouts.


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