Minimum Viable Organism

Minimum Viable Organism

Published March 26, 2023
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The interdependence of multiple variations and the role of chance events in the history of life make calculations a challenge for scientists. Let’s begin with life arising from non-living materials, or abiogenesis.


Abiogenesis refers to a theoretical process by which life could have arisen from non-living matter. Various hypotheses have been proposed to explain this process, including the Miller-Urey experiment, which demonstrated the formation of amino acids from simple inorganic precursors under conditions thought to simulate the early Earth's atmosphere.
Several factors contribute to the difficulty of calculating the probability of abiogenesis:
  1. Complexity of Life's Building Blocks: Life as we know it is based on complex molecules such as nucleic acids (DNA and RNA), proteins, and lipids. The formation and organization of these molecules into functional systems capable of self-replication and metabolism is a highly complex process.
  1. Vast Parameter Space: The number of possible chemical reactions, combinations of molecules, and environmental conditions that could have been involved in the origin of life is vast. The sheer number of possibilities makes it challenging to estimate the likelihood of any particular pathway leading to life.
  1. Unknown Prebiotic Conditions: While scientists have made significant progress in understanding the conditions that may have been present on the early Earth, many aspects of the prebiotic environment remain unknown. This uncertainty makes it difficult to accurately model the conditions under which abiogenesis may have occurred.
  1. Lack of a Single Comprehensive Theory: Multiple hypotheses have been proposed to explain the origin of life, including the RNA world hypothesis, the metabolism-first hypothesis, and others. Each hypothesis has its own set of assumptions and considerations, making it challenging to calculate an overall probability for abiogenesis.

Functional Proteins

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Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins, which are essential for life.
  1. Precise probabilities for the spontaneous formation of functional proteins from amino acids in the prebiotic environment is not straightforward, because the process depends on numerous factors that are still not fully understood.
  1. The formation of proteins involves the assembly of amino acids into specific sequences based on genetic information. In living organisms, this process is facilitated by ribosomes.
  1. The spontaneous formation of functional proteins from amino acids in the prebiotic environment would likely have been a rare event due to the vast number of possible amino acid sequences.

Energy Synthesis

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The ability to harness energy is a fundamental requirement for life.
The Great Oxygenation Event (GOE) refers to a significant increase in atmospheric oxygen levels that occurred approximately 2.4 billion years ago. The GOE is thought to have been caused by the activity of these early photosynthetic organisms, which were capable of performing oxygenic photosynthesis. This process involves using light energy to split water molecules, releasing molecular oxygen (O2) as a byproduct.
We know that sunlight was available at the time, and to simplify the process we will make the assumption based upon a theoretical ancestor of modern Cyanobacteria that would have a minimum viable system capable of photosynthesis and subsequently produce molecular oxygen as a byproduct.
The table below explains the description and inclusive rationale for each component, as well as the single point of failure rationale, which explains why the absence or malfunction of each component would have detrimental effects on the organism's viability.

Minimum Viable Photosynthetic Organism Requirements

Single Point of Failure
Genetic Information System
DNA or RNA encoding the organism's genetic blueprint. Encodes instructions for building and maintaining the organism
DNA, RNA, Transcription machinery, MRNA, TRNA,
Without genetic material, the organism lacks information for replication and metabolism.
Protein Synthesis
Ribosomes and mechanisms for translating RNA to proteins
Produces functional proteins for various cellular functions
Without protein synthesis, critical cellular functions cannot be performed.
Photosynthetic Machinery
Pigments, photosystems, electron transport chain, ATP synthase
Enables capture of light energy, conversion to chemical energy, and oxygen release
Without photosynthetic machinery, the organism cannot generate energy or release oxygen.
Cell Membrane
Lipid bilayer or similar structure defining cell boundaries
Defines cell boundaries, regulates transport, maintains internal environment
Without a cell membrane, the organism lacks structural integrity and homeostasis.
Enzymes and biochemical pathways for energy generation and biosynthesis
Supports energy production, growth, repair, and synthesis of cellular components
Without metabolism, the organism cannot grow, repair, or maintain itself.
Energy Source
Availability of sunlight as an energy source for photosynthesis
Provides energy for cellular processes, metabolism, and maintenance
Without an energy source, the organism depletes energy reserves and cannot sustain life.
Mechanisms for cell division or replication (e.g., binary fission)
Allows for the propagation of genetic material and the continuation of life
Without reproduction, the organism cannot continue its lineage.
Regulation and Homeostasis
Mechanisms for regulating gene expression and maintaining internal balance
Ensures proper cellular functioning, response to environmental changes, and adaptation
Without regulation and homeostasis, the organism cannot adapt or maintain stability.
Enzymes and catalysts to accelerate biochemical reactions
Increases the rate of essential reactions, enables efficient metabolism
Without catalysis, essential reactions are too slow to sustain life.
Transport proteins and mechanisms for moving molecules across membranes
Facilitates intake of nutrients, removal of waste, and regulation of internal conditions
Without transport, the organism cannot acquire nutrients, excrete waste, or regulate ions.

Factors Involved For Calculating Probability of Success

Solar Radiation
Availability of sunlight as an energy source
Energy Conversion
Probability of energy conversion through efficient chemical reactions
Light-Absorbing Pigments
Presence of pigments (e.g., chlorophyll) for capturing light energy
Photosystem II (PSII)
Protein complex for splitting water, releasing oxygen, and initiating electron transfer
Photosystem I (PSI)
Protein complex for capturing additional light energy and energizing electrons
Electron Transport Chain
System for transferring electrons, generating proton gradient, and producing NADPH
ATP Synthase
Enzyme for synthesizing ATP using proton gradient across membrane
Energy Storage Molecules
Availability and formation of energy storage molecules (e.g., ATP)
Presence of catalysts to facilitate energy synthesis reactions (e.g., enzymes, ribozymes)
Membrane Transport
Probability of energy molecules and ions crossing membranes
Redox Potential
Balance between reductive and oxidative conditions in environment
Probability of establishing regulatory mechanisms for energy synthesis and cellular homeostasis
Amino Acid Pool
Availability of amino acids in prebiotic environment
Protein Sequence/Folding
Chance of forming functional protein with correct sequence and 3D structure
1:x14 * 1:x15
Protein Chirality
Chance of having all L-amino acids in a functional protein
Nucleotide Pool
Availability of nucleotides in prebiotic environment
Nucleic Acid Sequence
Chance of forming functional nucleic acid with correct sequence and base pairing
1:x17 * 1:x18
Nucleic Acid Chirality
Chance of having all D-nucleotides for DNA or L-nucleotides for RNA
Membrane Formation
Probability of forming lipid bilayers or similar structures
Probability that molecules assemble into system capable of self-replication
Probability of establishing functional metabolic network
Evolutionary Stability
Probability that system is stable enough to undergo evolution
Functional Molecules
Probability of forming functional cofactors and small organic molecules
Environmental Conditions
Suitability of environmental conditions (e.g., pH, temperature, minerals)
Spatial Organization
Probability of achieving spatial organization and compartmentalization within cell
Genetic Code
Probability of establishing a genetic code for translating genetic information
Error Correction/Repair
Probability of having error correction and repair mechanisms for genetic material
Probability of interactions and cooperative behavior among molecules

Formula for Calculating Probability

To create a formula that comprises all of the estimated values, we can multiply them together. This formula represents the combined probability or estimate of all the factors listed in the table:
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In this formula, each of the individual "Estimate" values from the table is multiplied together to get the total estimate or combined probability. Note that the terms "1:2^x9" and "1:2^x12" are included as specified in the original table.

Formula in LaTeX (copy for your use)

\text{Total\_Estimate} = (1:x_1) \cdot (1:x_2) \cdot (1:x_3) \cdot (1:x_4) \cdot (1:x_5) \cdot (1:x_6) \cdot (1:x_7) \cdot (1:x_8) \cdot (1:x_9) \cdot (1:2^{x_9}) \cdot (1:x_{10}) \cdot (1:x_{11}) \cdot (1:x_{12}) \cdot (1:2^{x_{12}}) \cdot (1:x_{13}) \cdot (1:x_{14}) \cdot (1:x_{15}) \cdot (1:x_{16}) \cdot (1:x_{17}) \cdot (1:x_{18})
In LaTeX, the underscore _is used to create subscripts for the variable names, and we use \cdotto indicate multiplication. The curly braces {} are used to group the subscripts when they have more than one digit (e.g., x_{10}). The 2^{x_9} notation is used to represent exponentiation.